Orbex Group announces its 700 Series of fiber optic rotary joint (FORJ) assemblies, supporting either single- or multi-mode operation with options for wavelengths of 1310 or 1550 nanometers. Both the 1310- and 1550-nanometer options feature an outer diameter of 7 millimeters for installation in tight spaces. Additionally, each FORJ assembly features an insertion loss of […]
How are optical interconnects being miniaturized?
Fiber optic connector trends include a proliferation of new and smaller designs and, according to NTT, optical connector standardization activities are one of the most active areas at the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). As of February 2021, IEC SC 86B (Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components) published the second largest number of documents in […]
Wire and fiber optic geometries offer high-speed cable transmission options
The latest high-speed transmission cables are benefitting from the use of optic-fiber and copper wire options, which are offering unique form factors and customizable solutions. Typically, data-transmission copper wire and optical-fiber conductors are round or cylindrical. The addition of silver plating on the copper conductor facilitates the high-frequency electrical transmission path. Fiber conductors are foundry […]
SFP, SFP-DD, QSFP, QSFP-DD & OSFP Pluggable interconnects – a 2021 update
The 21-year-old Pluggable interconnect family is now being used for new accelerator, AV, camera, machine vision, medical, memory, NVM, and proprietary interface links. New market segment expansion seems likely to continue with link shipments rising and healthy unit forecasting. New higher speed 106G and 112G per lane pluggable products will be coming out this year, […]